Buerer Designs offers Email, Web Hosting, and Domain registration services to a select group of friends, family, and organizations.  Our prices are competitive and we keep our client list balanced to optimize performace.  To Order any of these services, or check domain availability, please click the button below.  For details about these sevcies, click the "Order Domains & Hosting."  Here is a limited list of servcies we offer

  • Domain Hosting - we can help you create a domain (like buerer.net, or foobar.com, or iAmAnActor.actor), get it setup, and help you mange your web site, email etc.
  • Web Site Hosting - create static single or multi-page websites, or, dynamic websites using popular CMS like Wordpress or Concrete 5
  • Host email accounts - have you ever wanted an itIsMe@yourDomain.com?  We can help with that! It's easy to setup.  You can use as email clients Outlook, Gmail, any other email client that can access Pop/Imap accounts, or, our own web interface!.  No Email account limits!
  • Custom Website Solutions
  • Support in getting it up and running - we want our customers to be happy so we offer full support to help you get things up and running.